All About Billing & Coding LLC

Yetta Delgado LMBT, MMP, MLD-C

About Billing & Coding LLC love our members and we want to share their accomplish with everyone! Today we interview the Owner Yetta Delgado LMBT, MMP, MLD-C of Divine Essence Total Body Care LLC here in Huntersville, North Carolina. 

AABC: What inspired you to become a medical massage therapist?

Yetta: I wanted to set myself apart from another therapist. I came out of Orthopedic and wanted to continue the clinic journey as my own boss.

AABC: What made you want to start taking insurance patients?

Yetta: Often my cash-flow customers were a roller-coaster from one good week to the next. I needed consistency also for me I was not wasting money on advertising and marketing.

AABC: How has taking insurance benefited you since the pandemic?

Yetta: I was able to stay afloat because of Chiropractors and Primary Care Providers who were still seeing patients. The transition from work from with kids trying to transition into school on-line was stressful for people. I was able to connect with physicians and receive my Essential Business Letter to continue to work due to the services I provided medically and referrals from provides. I was able to work and used ALL THE PRECAUTIONS and PPE. I had to stay safe as I was providing care to patients. 

AABC: Insurance billing can be a hassle; how do you manage this process?

Yetta: That is easy….I outsource to All About Billing & Coding LLC!! Felicia has made this process so amazing. She takes care of all my billing needs which allows me to stay focus on my patients. Although insurance is a hassle; she leaves an open-door communication to help you understand what is going on behind the scenes with each patient. She is not like most companies; she CARES about my doors staying open and that I stay in compliance. 

AABC: What advice would you give to your fellow medical massage therapist?

Yetta: Stop chasing behind cash flow and become recognizes by major insurance companies, PCP, Chiropractors, and Acupuncturists. This will allow everyone to see how massage therapy impacts our clients/patients’ daily lives. If you believe the benefits are effective, then why not get on board and get connected in the community and make an impact.

AABC: We want to thank you for taking time out to speak with us. We are so glad to have you as a client. We don’t look at our clients’ as just clients’ we see each one of you as family! Thank you for being part of this family! 

If you have any questions or would like to see how All About Billing & Coding LLC can help your practice, call us at (704) 807-0222 or reach out to us on our website
